COVID-19 Response
Rest assured, our MSP team is taking all the necessary precautions to continue to serve you safely.
Our customers can have peace of mind that our team is practicing safe health habits as defined by the CDC and the WHO so we can continue to serve you and your family while you spend even more time in your home. We are an essential service and we encourage our customers to continue with preventative maintenances and schedule repairs now. While we do not know what the future holds, we do know that more problems will start to arise as more families are using their HVAC and plumbing systems at home. Customers who have essentials needs at this time should have peace of mind that we are able to service you safely. Please don't hesitate to have preventative and essential services performed now so your home can operate efficiently in the weeks to come.
Here are a few things we are doing to help:
We are ensuring our team is washing their hands such as using hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes throughout the day to keep things disinfected.
We are using gloves when needed to create another barrier.
We are making sure we stay out of potentially contaminated homes.
Minimizing direct contact with other people.
We are instructing Associates who are exhibiting symptoms of illness to stay home or seek care from a medical provider when necessary. This includes if they have someone at their house with symptoms.
We are following the CDC guidelines and what they recommend to keep things sanitized.
At this point in time, we still plan on running appointments and taking care of our customers' needs. Safety is our number one priority for both our customers and our team. - - We ask you to cancel or move your appointment if you or someone in your house is feeling sick or showing symptoms.
Thank you for your continued support, understanding and remember, MSP Is Here For You.
Best, Eric Swanson