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The Pros and Cons Of A Tankless Water Heater

Just like any system, a tankless water heater has its pros and cons. Our MSP team is here to walk you through some of them to help you decide whether or not a tankless system is the best fit for your home. Check out all of the pros and cons below!


Savings jar with cash and coins

Save All Year Long!

Unlike a tank water heater, a tankless system doesn’t need to maintain the temperature of a large storage tank. Tankless systems heat on-demand whereas tank systems heat water as it is used meaning it could be heating water when you don’t need it!. Also, gas-fired tankless systems that meet ENERGY STAR® specifications can roughly save a home $108 each year, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Tankless water heater in laundry room

Requires Less Space

Tankless water heaters take up much less room than a traditional water heater since they are typically mounted onto a wall. A typical unit usually measures around 20” wide x 28” high x 10” deep. This is much smaller than a 70-gallon traditional system.

Tankless water heater in garage

Longer Life Span!

Traditional water heaters typically last between 10-12 years. A tankless system that is properly maintained can last you up to 20 years or more! This means that while a tankless system may be a larger investment upfront, it will last longer and you won’t have the replacement cost of a tank system within only 10 years of owning it.


Picture of a money bag and money signs with angel wings

Investment Cost

When it comes to the upfront cost of a tankless water heater you can expect to spend up to three times more than a tank system. In addition, if you have an older home you may need to upgrade your electricity before installing an electric-powered, on-demand tankless system. This is something our MSP team can assist with and ensure your home has the specifications for a tankless system before you purchase!

Technician performing maintenance on tankless water heater

Routine Maintenance

Similar to traditional water heaters, tankless systems require maintenance and should be flushed once every year to remove sediment, minerals, and other materials that can build up. Unlike a tank system, tankless water heaters have a few more parts that may also require cleaning or replacement throughout the years.

Tenches for plumbing and tankless water heater

Additional Installation May Be Required

When it comes to installing a tankless water heater, you may need to reroute gas lines in order to accommodate for installation. This may require an additional cost and the help of a professional in order to ensure your system can be properly installed.

Before choosing a tankless or tank water heater it’s important to understand the pros and cons of both! Our MSP team is here to help walk you through the benefits and determine what is the best choice for your home. Give us a call today at 651-273-6338!